
Every year, from May to September, the winemakers of Condrieu and Côte-Rôtie invite you to one of their “Vignobles & Découvertes” label estates for three days of discoveries and experiences.

Groupe d'amis trinquant autour d'un brunch

In turn, each winemaker takes the spotlight through a three-part event that lasts all weekend. The festivities begin on Friday at a winemaker’s residence with a jazz concert, followed by a hike through the vineyards on Saturday morning with brunch on Sunday. So many pretexts for wonderful breaks between the estates of Côte-Rôtie and Condrieu.

Concert de jazz en plein air

Wine Notes at a winemaker on Friday

Wine Notes invites you to the heart of a vineyard to enjoy a jazz concert or dance performance in an enchanting setting. Followed by a tasting of Condrieu and Côte-Rôtie wines!

Winemakers offer tastings, sales and tours of the estate.

Jeune homme en balade dans les vignes

Rando Wine on Saturday morning

Accompanied by a guide, starting from the same estate, you’ll walk through the vineyards of Condrieu and Côte-Rôtie in the heart of the Pilat Regional Natural Park. A hike of 2 to 3 hours.

A word of advice: make sure you have a good pair of shoes and a fresh water bottle!

Buffet brunch des Rendez-Wine avec une main tenant une assiette garnie

(Di)vin(e) Sunday brunch

Sweet, savoury but always tasty: a buffet prepared with local, seasonal products by a nearby restaurateur along with tea, coffee, fruit juice and, of course, wines from the host estate.

After discovering the estate with the owner, it’s time to take your seat in good company to dine.

  • Saint-Désirat(1)
Event type
  • Nature and relaxation(1)