Moodz hôtel

Afficher les informations en mode

Opening period

From 08/01 to 28/12/2024
daily between 7 am and 9.30 am and between 5.30 pm and 8.30 pm.

Spoken languages

  • English English
  • French French


  • Internet access in rooms
  • Bath
  • No-smoking
  • Baby equipment
  • Wi-fi
  • Private WC
  • Free private internet access
  • Air conditioning
  • Shower
  • Hair dryer
  • Towel dryer
  • Television
  • Separate toilet
  • Sound-proofed accommodation
  • Family suite
  • Bed 90 cm
  • Bed 160 cm
  • Baby bed
  • Baby chair
  • Family bedroom
  • Bottle warmer


  • Close to a motorway
  • Close to a public transportation
  • Village centre
  • Bus stop < 500 m


  • Shelter for bikes/mountain bikes
  • Fenced grounds
  • Terrace
  • Car shelter
  • Exhibition space
  • Air conditioned restaurant
  • Sustainable development
  • Garden
  • Parking nearby
  • Waste management


  • Pets welcome
  • Reception
  • Room hire
  • Booking
  • Tourist brochures
  • Tourist information
  • Restaurant
  • Fast food
  • Event catering compulsory
  • Picnic hampers
  • Takeaway/cooked dishes
  • Restaurant for children
  • Room service


Tax not included.

Accommodation capacity

Number of classified rooms : 19

Number of rooms : 19

Number of suites : 1

Number of double rooms : 16

Nombre de chambres à mobilité réduite : 1

Total number of people : 44


  • Bank/credit card Bank/credit card
  • Cash Cash
  • Credit transfer Credit transfer
  • Online payment

Adapted tourism

  • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
  • Even flooring with no obstacles
  • Absence of protrusions > 2 cm
  • Minimum aisle width of 90 cm
  • Reception desk between 70-80 cm high
  • WC + grab handle + adequate space to move
  • Shower with seat + adequate space to move
  • Room reserved
  • Site, building totally accessible
  • Visual alarm with flash light

Type of clientele

  • Couples
  • Cyclists
  • Children
  • Walkers/hikers
  • Bikers welcome
  • For LGBT




I go


Useful information

8 Place Claude Barbier
38780 Pont-Évêque
04 81 62 00 47 Website Contact by email
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
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