Circuit of the Tower

Lovely walking tour sometimes through fields, sometimes underwoods or in the shade. Be carreful, few crossings on busy roads and respect fields. To see, the tower of Pinet and the Blaches forest.
1- Head along the tennis courts by a path which goes up to the post "Le Salin". Then turn right and reach the "Chez David" post.
2- Turn left and continue to climb the hillside by a track which enters the Blaches state forest. At the junction with a forest road, go right and join the D538 at the post "L'étang des Blaches". Turn right and then left on the road to Montseveroux.
3- Immediately turn left on the wide track which runs along a pond (private). Pass a first post "Les Blaches" and continue straight ahead. At the second post, turn left towards "Pinet". After two road crossings, reach the post "Tour de Pinet".
> Variation to complete a small loop (5.7 km, 1hr45): go down to the foot of the Pinet Tower and continue to the hamlet of Pinet. Take a track on the left to "Le Salin".
4- Turn right and reach the post "Les crêtes". Turn left onto the gravel path that leads down the hillside to a road; go right to the end of the road and continue on a wide path in the undergrowth. Stay on this hillside path that borders the peaceful Combe de Vaux (Sensitive Natural Area). Take a partially paved track and then reach a hamlet. Continue to the right on the road and go up to the post "Le Paviot".
5- Go to Eyzin-Pinet. Go down to the D41 at the "Thibaud" post. Turn right and then, immediately after a bridge, turn left onto a farm track that joins the Gère stream. Cross at the ford and continue straight to join the hillside that you climb to join a road; follow it to the left.
6- After the houses, take the path on the crests. Then go down on a road that crosses a hamlet. In a dead end, take a wide grassy path on the right and reach the post "La Garde".
7- Turn left towards Eyzin-Pinet. After crossing the road, continue on a wide gravel road. Go along a poplar grove and cross the Gère again. Join a road on the hillside.
8- Go ahead on a path which climbs up to a road; take it to the right until you reach a crossroads. Continue up Colas hill and pass the houses before turning left onto a meadow path. Reach an isolated building that you go around on the right to find the post "Chez David".
2- Using the outward journey path, return to the starting point.
Be careful when crossing busy roads. Respect the crops.
Things to see: the Pinet Tower and Blaches state forest.
Things to see: a curiosity, you’ll pass along an outsider art wall, created in the 1980s by a snake hunter.
Opening period
All year round.
Spoken languages
- Marked route BALISE
- Route type BOUCLE
- Picnic area
- Pets welcome
- In the country
- Village centre
More informations